Signers as of May 22, 2018

Dr. Philip Duffy
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Dorothy Boorse
Professor of Biology
Gordon College

Dr. Zoe Cardon
Senior Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. John Farrington
Dean Emeritus
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (ret.)

Dr. Kelly Gallagher
Director of the Center for International Environment & Resource Policy
Tufts University

Dr. Anne Giblin
Senior Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. Brian Helmuth
Professor, Marine and Environmental Sciences
Northeastern University

Dr. Robert Max Holmes
Deputy Director and Senior Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Charles Lea
Sea Education Association

Trevor Lloyd-Evans
Senior Ecologist
Manomet, MA

Dr. Steven Lohrenz
Dean of Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Dr. David McGee
Associate Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Harvey Michaels
Lecturer and Research Director in Sustainability
MIT Sloan School of Management

Dr. William Moomaw
Professor Emeritus of
International Environmental Policy
Tufts University

Dr. Eric Olson
Senior Lecturer in Ecology
Brandeis University

Dr. Naomi Oreskes
Professor of the History of Science
Harvard University

Dr. Colin Orians
Professor, Department of Biology
Tufts University

Dr. Nathan Phillips
Professor, Earth and Environment
Boston University

Dr. William Robinson
Professor of Environmental Toxicololgy and Associate Dean, School for the Environment
University of Massachusetts Boston

Dr. Jennie Stephens
Professor and Director, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Northeastern University

Thomas Stone
President of the Board of Directors
Falmouth 300 Committee Land Trust

Dr. David Mark Welch
Senior Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. George Woodwell
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Paul Schendel
Retired pharmaceutical research executive

Dan Codina

Dr. Anne Ipsen Goldman
Professor, emerita
School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

Dr. Mark Pohlman
Chair, Longmeadow Environmental Transition Group
Chair Environmental Justice Team of First Church Of Christ Longmeadow

Kylen Solvik
Research Assistant
Woods Hole Research Center

Brad Winn
Conservation Biologist

Julianne Orsino
Malden Community Action Group

Hillary Sullivan
Research Assistant
Woods Hole Research Center

Seth Gorelik
Research Assistant
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Foster Brown
Senior Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Glenn Bush
Environmental Economist
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Olivia White
Retired Scientist
University of North Texas, Denton TX

Dr. Rodney Rountree
Senior Scientist
The Fish Listener

Anna Suslova
Research assistant
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Marcia Macedo
Assistant Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Wayne Walker
Associate Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center

Jonathan Sanderman
Associate Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center

Dr. Alison Wondriska

Lindsay Scott
Research Assistant
Woods Hole Research Center

Robert Balhiser
Retired Engineer

Dr. Susan Natali
Associate Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center

Molly Curran
Engineer II
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Dr. Paul Dobner
Earth Stewardship Ministry Chair
First Congregational Church of Shrewsbury

David Read
Vice President for Medical Oncology
Dana-Farber Cancer Center

Prof. Sandra Faiman-Silva
Professor Emerita, Anthropology
Bridgewater State University

Karen Soenen
Woods Hole Research Center

Nolan Kitts
Research Assistant
Woods Hole Research Center

Shane Roesemann
Research Associate II
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Matthew Greene
Principal Software Engineer
Broad Institute

Dr. Don Hermes
IDC, Peace Dale

Jessica Dabrowski
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Dr. Ludmila Rattis
Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow
Woods Hole Research Center

Brendan Rogers

Dr. Jessica Mark Welch
Associate Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Victoria Harrington
Research specialist, retired

Dr. Mary Heskel
Postdoctoral Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Amber York
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Kristina Woods
Science teacher
Lawrence Jr High School

Dr. Gary Martin
Chief Architect
Acacia Communications

Dr. Anna Katharina Wilkins
Principal Scientist
UCC Weston

Suzanne Thomas
Senior Research Assistant
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. Herman Marshall

Dr. Therese Provenzano
Weston High

Grace Hall
Retired Chemist
First Parish in Cambridge

Robin Littlefield
Research Engineer
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Dulce Soler
Volunteer Honduras Committee, J&P
Sacred Heart Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Collaborative Newton MA

Dr. Sheri White
Senior Engineer
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Joanna Carey
Assistant Professor
Babson College

Brooke Wright
Research Technician
UMass Dartmouth

Dr. Regina LaRocque
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital

Dr. Christopher Gittins
Senior Principal Scientist
BAE Systems

Dr. James Baldwin

Dr. Lucy Hutyra
Associate Professor
Boston University

Roland Welter
Graduate student
Boston University

Owen Cortner
Pre-Doctoral Fellow
Boston University

Dr. Richard Clapp
Professor Emeritus
Boston University School of Public Health

Andrew Christ
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
Boston University

Mr. Taejin Park
Research assistant
Boston University

Sarah Foster
PhD Graduate Student
Earth and Environment Dept., Boston University

Dr. Dan Li
Assistant Professor
Boston University

Ben Thompson
Graduate Student
Boston University

Prof. Debarshi Nandy
Brandeis University

Emily Chua

Dr. Patrick Brown
Postdoctoral Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. Linda Doerrer
Associate Professor
Boston University

Sarabeth Buckley
Graduate Student
Boston University

Dr. Douglas Zook
Professor of Global Ecology
School for the Environment, UMass/Boston

Jonathan Gewirtzman
Senior Research Technician
Boston University

Dr. Steven Scyphers
Assistant Professor
Northeastern University

Sandra Sutherland
Fishery Biologist

Prof. Jennifer Luebke
Boston University

Allison Matzelle
Graduate student
Northeastern University

Dr. Bette Hecox-Lea
Research Associate
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. Phil Jutras
Visiting Professor of Management
Framingham State University

Qian Wang

Dr. Judith Mabel
Nutrition Boston, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Dr. David Zahniser
Chief Scientific Officer
Roche Diagnostics Hematology

Susan Moore
Teacher Naturalist
Massachusetts Audubon Society

Dr. Suzanne Westbrook
Physician and mindfulness teacher

Dr. Paul Miller
Associate Professor
Brandeis University

Dr. Jonathan Levy
Professor and Interim Chair
Boston University School of Public Health

Dr. John Keller
Volunteer, Atmospheric Scientist
Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Dr. Marc Muskavitch

Elizabeth Baker

JH Snooks
Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Emeritus
American Meteorological Society

Dr. Loretta Roberson
Associate Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. Lisa Abbo
Attending Veterinarian
Marine Biological Laboratory

Dr. Joseph Vallino
Senior Scientist
Marine Biological Laboratory

Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley
Archbishop of Boston

Rabbi Katy Z. Allen
Jewish Climate Action Network

Rev. Dr. James Antal
Conference Minister and President
United Church of Christ in Massachusetts

Dr. Aijaz Baloch
Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland

Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
Missioner for Creation Care
Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
United Church of Christ in Massachusetts

Rev. We Chang
District Superintendent, Metro Boston Hope District
New England Conference of the United Methodist Church

Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
New England Conference of the United Methodist Church

Rev. Laura Everett
Executive Director
Massachusetts Council of Churches

Shaykh Yasir Fahmy
Senior Imam
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center

Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Unitarian Universalist Association

Rt. Rev Alan Gates
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
Assistant Rabbi
Temple Sinai, Brookline

Rabbi Everett Gendler
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanuel, Lowell

Rev. Arlene Hall
Black Ministerial Alliance

Bishop James Hazelwood
New England Synod
Lutheran Church in America

Christina Leaño
Associate Director
Global Catholic Climate Movement

Woullard Lett
Acting Regional Lead, New England
Unitarian Universalist Association

Presiding Elder Jocelyn Hart Lovelace
New England Annual Conference
African Methodist Episcopal Church

Rabbi Toba Spitzer
Massachusetts Board of Rabbis

Rev. Fred Small
Minister for Climate Justice
Arlington Street, Boston

Rev. Mariama White-Hammond
Minister for Ecological Justice
Bethel AME Church, Boston

Kyle Wiswall
Dharma Teacher
Forest Park Zen Sangha

Sr. Marie-Therese Browne
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Imam Abdul-Malik Merchant
Associate Imam
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center

Adam Isbitsky
Interim Associate Minister
Wellesley Hills Congregational Church

Rev. Adam Lawrence Dyer
Lead Minister
First Parish in Cambridge

Alecia Reeves-Freeman

Rev. Alice Erickson
Green Team member

Alicia Hunt
Vestry Member
Grace Episcopal Church, Medford

Alida Burt

Alison Gottlieb
Social Action co-chair
Theodore Parker Church

On Behalf of the Vestry of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
Amelia Slawsby
Senior Warden
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

Amy Chin
Moderator of the Berkshire Association of the United Church of Christ
Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ

Rev. Dr. Andrea Ayvazian
Associate Minister
Alden Baptist Church, Springfield, MA

Rev. Andrea Taylor
St. David’s Episcopal Church

Andrew McClaine
Hancock Environmental Action Team, Hancock Church UCC

Rev. Angela Wells
Solo Pastor
United Church of Christ, Congregational in Burlington, MA

Ann Marie Kreft
Congregational Church of Weston

Rev. Anne Bancroft
Theodore Parker Unitarian Universalist Church

Anne Hayek
co-chair, Environmental Ministries Team
The Congregational Church of Needham, UCC

Rev. Anne Maso
Senior minister
First Parish Lexington

Arthur Clark
Green Team coordinator
West Parish Church, Andover, MA

Rabbi Arthur Green
Rec tor, Rabbinical School
Hebrew College

Mr. Arthur J. Downey Jr
Diaconate Co-Chair
Brighton Allston UCC

Rev. Austin Fleming
Holy Family Parish

Barbara Munkres
Green Team Chair
Pilgrim Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

Sr. Barbara Quinn, RSCJ
Associate Director of Spiritual Formation
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

Barbara Sims
Church on the Hill, the United Church of Christ in Lenox

The Reverend
Beatrice Michals-Brown

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Brockton, MA

Becky Silverstein

Benjamin Weiner
Jewish Community of Amherst

Bernadine Chan
Bethany House of Prayer

Rev.Beth Robbins
Arlington Street Church

Rev. Betsy Sowers
Minister for Earth Justice
Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge, MA

Bonnie Bremner Ramage
Vestry Member
Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington

Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray

Father Bruce N. Teague
RC Diocese od Springfield MA

Rev. Bruce Schoup
Congregational Church of Littleton

Candy Dann
South Church Green Team Co-chair
South Church, Andover MA

Rev. Carol Allman-Morton
Unitarian Universalist Meeting of South Berkshire

Catherine Liddell
Director Christian Education

Rev. Catherine Munz
St. John’s Episcopal Church

Rev. Catherine Venkatesh
Bethany House of Prayer

Rev. Cathlin Baker

Rev. Catie Scudera
Senior Minister
First Parish in Needham, Unitarian Universalist

Cecilia Mercado
Parish Board member
First Parish in Bedford

Chris Scheller
Director of Family Ministries
First Parish Church in Weston

Reverend Christina Williams
First Congregational Church of Hadley

Rev. Christine Hribar
Pastor of Faith Formation
First Church Ipswich

Christine McElroy
Team Leader, Mother’s Day Walk for Peace
First Parish in Cambridge

Christine Stahlinski
Green Team Chair

The Rev. Christopher Wendell
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Claryce Evans
Member, Environmental Task Force
First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church Cambridge

Dr. Claudia Stumpf
Vestry Member
Grace Episcopal Church, Medford

Rev. Clyde Elledge
Church of St. Andrew, Marblehead

Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs
Minister of All Souls Church, Braintree, MA

Rev. Dr. Cody Sanders
Old Cambridge Baptist Church

Cynthia Curtis
Energy Committee Chair
Wellesley Village Church

Rev. Cynthia Stahler
United Church of Christ

Rev. Cynthia Worthington-Berry
UCC Boxborough

Rev. Dadgie Scott

Rev. Daniel Dibble
Trinitarian Congregational Church of Warwick MA

Fr. Daniel Riley
Our Lady’s and Sacred Heart Churches

Rev. Darrell Hamilton
Pastor for Formation and Outreach
First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain

Daryl Warner
Deacon & Green Team member. President
East Congregational Church Milton. Sustainable Milton

David Bruffee
Junior Warden
St. John’s Church, Ashfield

Rev. Dr. David Calhoun
District Superintendent of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts
The United Methodist Church

David Entin
First Churches, Northampton

Rabbi David Jaffe
Kirva Institute

Rev. David Kohlmeier
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth

David Lowe
Temple Israel Green Team Founding Member
Temple Israel

Rev. David M Bryce
Senior Minister
The First Church In Belmont, Unitarian Universalist

Rev. David Malone

Rev. Dr. David O’Leary
Good Shepherd Parish, Wayland, MA

Dawn Hammond
Chief Financial Officer
Mass. Conference, United Church of Christ

Rev. Dr. Deborah Clark
Edwards Church, UCC in Framingham

Deborah Duval
Member in Discernment United Church of Christ

Ms. Rev.
Deborah Spratley
United Church of Christ

Dody Adkins-Perry
Climate Justice Team Co-leader
UU Middleboro MA

Douglas Eisenhart
Deacon Emeritus
Wellesley Hills Congregational Church

Eleanor Santos
Member of environmental justice team, Clerk of First Church of Christ Longmeadow
First Church of Christ, Longmeadow MA

Eleanor Swanson
Climate Justice Committee member
First Parish of Bedford, U.U.

Rabbi Elias Lieberman
Falmouth Jewish Congregation

Rev. and Prof. Eliot Moss
UMass Amherst and Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts

Cantor Elise Barber
Temple Beth El

Rev. Elizabeth Bukey
First Church in Jamaica Plain

Elizabeth Krogh
Earth Ministry Team, First Church Amherst, UCC

Rev. Dr.
Elizabeth Rice Smith
Minister and Teacher, Historian
First Congregational Church of Rockport -UCC

Dr. Elizabeth Smith
Pastoral Associate
Holy Family Parish, Concord

Rev. Ellen Petersen
United Church of Christ

Ellen Reilly

Emma Brewer-Wallin
Harvard Divinity School

Emmett Seaborn
MassReleaf Ministry Director
MACUCC, Wellesley Congregational Church, Wellesley Congregational Church Environmental Ministry

Rev. Eric Ogi
Pastoral Resident
Wellesley Village Church

Rev. Erik Karas
Christ Trinity Church

Rev. Fr. Paul OConndll
Associate Judicial Vicar
Diocese of Worcester

Fran Ludwig
Boston Catholic Climate Movement

Rev. Dr. Frances Bogle
Community Chaplain
Community Chaplaincy Council service Greater Metro West

The Rev. Frances Hills
Retired Episcopal priest
Diocese of Western Massachusetts

Francis Kromkowski
Co-Coordinator, Helena Service for Peace and Justice
Helena Service for Peace and Justice

Frank Carney
Green Team member
Edwards Church, UCC

Rev. Frank Clarkson
UU Church of Haverhill

Rev. Frederick Emrich
Associate Clergy
All Angels Church, Longboat Key, FL

Fritz Fleischmann
Chair, Executive Board
First Parish of Medfield

Rev. Gary Hawk
University Congregational Church

Rev. Gerald Osterman
Immaculate Conception Parish

Gina Kuruvilla
Director of Religious Education
St. Mary Parish

Godfrey Perrott
Chair, Building Committee
Christ St Mark Episcopal Lutheran Church

Gordon Scruton
Retired Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts

Rev. Hannah Brown
West Concord Union Church

Rev. Harvey Hill
Saint David’s Episcopal Church, Agawam, MA

Heather Gonzalez
Chair of Wider Missions
Edwards Church

Hilary Greene
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Rev. Holly Antolini
St. James’s Episcopal Church Cambridge

Holly Brauner
First Church in Swampscott, Congregational, UCC

Rev. Dr. Ian Mevorach
Spiritual Leader
Common Street Spiritual Center

Rabbi Ira Korinow
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanu-El Haverhill, MA

Jacqueline H. Drapeau
Bethany House of Prayer

Father James Barry
Our Lady of Grace church

Very Rev. James Munroe
Dean, Retired
Christ Church Cathedral

James Nail
Chair, Property and Environmental Stewardship
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

Jana Bertkau
Council Chair, Green Team Member
First Congregational Church of West Tisbury

Rev. Jane Beebe
Interim Priest Associate
Grace Episcopal Church

Rev. Jane MacIntyre
Pastor & Teacher, Retired
Christ Congregational Church, Brockton

Rev. Dr. Jane Tillman
Priest Associate
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Janet Clarke
South Church Andover

Janet Kuklinski
Green Team member
Paulist Center

Rev. Janet Sandquist-Skagerlind
First Congregational church of Princeton

Janot Mendler de Suarez
Wayland Bahai Community

Rabbi Jeff Foust
Jewish Advisor and Chaplain
Spiritual Life Center Bentley University

Jeffrey Bass
Executive Director
Emmanuel Gospel Center

Rev. Jeffrey Conlon
Church Pastor
Faith United Parish

Rev. Jeffrey Goodrich
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Rev. Jennifer Valentine
First Congregational Church of Southampton, UCC

Rev. Dr. Jessica McArdle
Green Congregation Taskforce Chair

Jessica Schendel
Congregational Church of Weston

Rev. Dr. Jill Edens
The Congregational Church of Weston, UCC

Joan Clark

Ms. Rev. Joanna Lubkin
Affiliated Community Minister
Arlington Street Church

Rev. Joel Almono
Iglesia Episcopal de Gracia

Johannah Murphy

John Bell
Dharma Teacher
Order of Interbeing

Rev. John F. Hudson
Senior Pastor
Pilgrim Church, Sherborn, Massachusetts

Rev. John Gibbons
Senior Minister
First Parish in Bedford, MA

Rev. Dr. John Lombard
Metropolitan Boston Annuitant Visitor
United Church of Christ Pension Boards

Rev. John Marquis
Church of the Good Shepherd West Springfield E

The Rev. Dr. John Nelson
Pastor and Teacher
Church on the Hill, United Church of Christ

John Posluszny
Green Team member
Trinity Church of Northborough

Rev. John Stubbs
Trinity and St. John’s

Rabbi Jordana Battis
Temple Beth Israel

Rev. Joseph Amico
Tabernacle Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

Rev. Joseph Coatantino
St. Ignatius Church

The Rev. Joseph Farnes
Assistant Rector
St Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Pittsfield

Judith Hill
Justice-Advocacy Team
West Concord Union Church, Concord, MA

Rabbi Judith Kummer

Rabbi Judy Weiss
Volunteer: JCAN, ECA, 350MA; Employee: Brookline Adult Education

Julia Slayton
Executive Director
Bethany House of Prayer

Karen Clough
Concerned for the environment
Second Congregational Church, Greenfield, MA

Karen Martin
Chair, Climate Justice Task Force
North Parish Church

Karen McLean

Rev. Kate Stevens
Poor People’s Campaign

Rev. Kathleen McTigue
Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice

Ms. Kathleen Oliver
Retired human service administrator/youth advocate

Rev. Kathryn Elledge
Interim Priest
St. Anne’s in-the-Fields Episcopal Church

Rev. Keith Man
Justice Advocacy Chair
West Concord Union Church

Rev. Kelly Gallagher
Associate Conference Minister
Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ

Kelsey Flynn
Outward Ministries co-coordinator
First Churches of Northampton

Rev. Ken Read-Brown
First Parish in Hingham (Old Ship Church)

Rev. Dr. Kenneth Downes

Rev. Kenneth Landall
Retired Senior Pastor

Rev. Kenneth Reeves

Dr. Rev. Korte Yeo
Senior Minister
Chaffin Congregational Church

Kristin Palace
Congregational Church of Topsfield

Kristina Keefe-Perry
Coordinator, Creation Care Ministries
The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM)

Laraine Snooks
Green Team co-chair
The Plymouth Church in Framingham Massachusetts

Rev. Laura Harris-Adam
West Acton Baptist Church

Laura Wagner
Executive Director
Unitarian Universalist Mass Action Network

Rev. Laurie Rofinot
member Climate Care Team
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Lawrence Hemstreet
Green Team
Trinity Church Northborough

Rev. Lawrence Jay
Executive Director
Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Center

Rev. Leah Lyman Waldron
Park Avenue Congregational Church, UCC

Rev. Leah Rumsey
Director of Faith Formation
Second Church in Newton

Lee Gagen
Fundraising and Development Specialist
Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ

Rev. Leslie Katherin Sterling
St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church

Lewis Stern
Green Sanctuary Committee Leader
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth

Linda Jenkins
Board Member
Massachusetts Interfaith Worker Justice

Lisa Sandeen
Chair, Christian Service Committee at Hancock Church
Hancock United Church of Christ, Lexington, MA

Rev. Liza M. Neal
Director of Spiritual Life
Hampshire College

The Rev. Lois Rose
East Mountain Retreat Center

Lucia Page
Senior Warden
Grace Episcopal Church, Medford, MA

Lucy Robinson
Chair, Greening of Grace
Grace Episcopal Church

Lucy Saunders
Member, Climate Change group
Congregational Church of Weston, Massachusetts

Lydia Vernon-Jones
Earth Ministry Leader
First Congregational Church in Amherst

Lyman Jackson
Investment Committee Member, MA UCC
United Parish of Auburndale

Lynn Hoefgen
NMR Group, Inc.

The Rev. M. Fletcher Davis

Rev. M. Lara Hoke
Consulting Minister
Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Andover

Rev. Mac Murray
Trinity Episcopal Church

Maggie Brigham
Missions and Social Justice Chair
First Congregational Church of Sheffield (UCC)

Malik Khan
Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland
Past President

Marcia Hams
Co-Chair, Social Justice Council
First Parish in Cambridge

Marge Shepardson
Green Team Chair and co-chair of the Church Council
Federated Church of Marlborough, NH

Marie Alessi
Chairperson Laudato Si society
Our lady of Grace Church, Chelsea/Everett

Rev. Marisa Brown Ludwig
Associate Pastor
First Church of Christ UCC

The Rev. Marisa Egerstrom
Priest in Charge
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Mark Bohrer
Green Team Chair
South Church Andover

Rev. Mark Harris
Senior Minister
First Parish of Watertown, MA

Rev. Mark Seifried
Senior Minister
The Second Church in Newton

Rabbi Mark Shapiro
Rabbi Emeritus
Sinai Temple

Ms. Martha Crawford
Treasurer Community Chaplaincy Council, Treasurer Just Peace Players
Justice and Witness Council MACUCC, Volunteer Development MACUCC

Martha Rounds
Lay Leader
South Acton Congregational Church

Martha Zinger
Christ Church Parish, Plymouth MA

Martin Riekert
Senior Minister
The Congregational Church in Topsfield

Mrs. Mary Courtemanche
Director of Religious Education
St. Anne’s Church

Mary Friedman
Co-chair Haiti Team, Deacon, Liason for Community Outreach Circle
First Church of Christ, Longmeadow, United Church of Christ

Mary Gard
Co-Chair, Environmental Ministry
Wellesley Congregational Church

Mary Gilbert
Massachusetts Quaker Legislative Action Network

Chaplain Mary Lahaj
Family Matters Committee
Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland

Mary Malagodi
Chairperson, Adult Education Forum
Grace Church, Newton

Mary Memmott
Green Team Chair
Edwards Church, UCC, Framingham, MA

Marybeth Bergeron

Reverend MaryHelen Gunn
Affiliate Minister; Spiritual Advisor
First Parish in Brookline & Northeastern University

Marylou Sullivan
First Church – UCC, Amherst MA

Rabbinic Pastor Matia Angelou
Chaplain and Spiritual Director
Makom Hazon

Matthew Meyer
Director of Community Life
The Sanctuary Boston

Maura Stevens
Church Administrator
The First Church of Christ in Longmeadow

Melissa LaNeve
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
Anna Maria College

The Rev. Meredith Allen
Retired UCC clergy

Monsignor Michael Foley
St Luke’s the Evangelist Church

Rev. Michael Frady
First Congregational Church, Braintree, MA

Rev. Michael McGarry
The Paulist Center

Rev. Dr. Michael Ramsey-Musolf
Professor of Physics and Priest Associate
Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst & St. John’s Episcopal Church

Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh
Affiliate Community Minister
United First Parish Church of Quincy

Fr. Mina Kaddis
St Paul & St John Chrysostom Coptic Orthodox Church

Rev. Dr. Molly Scherm
Associate Rector
The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew

Rabbi Moshe Givental

Msgr. Paul Garrity
Lexington Catholic Collaborative

Nancy Robbins
Green Team
Trinity Church Northborough

Rev. Nancy W. Strickland
Interim Pastor
North Falmouth Congregational Church, UCC

The Rev. Nancy Webb Stroud
The Episcopal Church of the Atonement

Rev. Natalie Austrian
United Parish of Auburndale

Rabbi Natan Margalit
President, Organic Torah
Organic Torah

Nathalie Bridegam
Green Team Chair
South Congregational Church, Amherst, MA

Rabbi Neil Kominsky

Rev. Nell Fields
Waquoit Congregational Church

The Rev. Noreen Suriner
St Luke’s Episcopal Church

Rev. Dr. Norman Bendroth
Intentional Interim Minister
The United Church of Christ

Rabbi Ora Weiss

Pam Arifian
UCC Northeast Environmental Justice Center

Rev. Pam Emslie
Associate Minister
Wellesley Village Church

Patricia Connors
United Parish Green UP committee member
United Parish

Dr. Patricia Dinneen
Chair, Archdiocesan Justice Convocation Committee
Archdiocese of Boston

Patrick Oates
Lay Ministry Leader
First Parish Bedford

Fr. Paul Goranson

Rev. Dr. Paul Minus
Cape & Islands Faith Communities Environmental Network

Paul Popinchalk, PE
Buildings & Grounds Committee
First Unitarian Church of Worcester

Rev. Paul Sangree
Congregational Church of Westborough, UCC

Rev. Paul Shupe
Senior Minister
Hancock United Church of Christ (Congregational)

Rev. Dr. Paula W Sage
Priest in Charge
Christ Memprial Episcopal Church

Rev. Peggy O’Connor
Interim Senior Minister
The Pilgrim Church of Duxbury

Peter Dunbeck
Chair, Environmental Stewardship Ministry
Diocese of Worcester

Rev. Peter Elvin
Episcopal Diocese of Western MA

Rev. Peter Gyves
Director, A Faith That Does Justice

Rev. Dr. Peter Kakos
First Churches, Northampton, Mass.

The Rev. Peter Wenner
retired clergy
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Rev. Dr. Peter-Michael Preble
Senior Interim Minister
Bethany Congregational Church, UCC Quincy

Rev. Polly Jenkins Man
Retired pastor
West Concord Union Church

Rev. Quentin Chin

Ramin Abrishamian
Needham Bahai Community

The Rev. Raymond Webster
Retired Episcopal priest

Rebecca Bowler

Rev. Reebee Girash
Associate Pastor
The Eliot Church of Newton, UCC

Rev Paul Sinnott
Associate to the Bishop
New England Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Rev. Dr. J. Phillips
St. John’s Episcopal Church

Rev. Dr. Katherine Kallis
United Church of Christ

Rev. Richard Chrisman
Retired minister

Rev. Richard Coleman
Green Action Team, First Parish Church United of Westford, Ma. –chair
First Parish Church United, Westford, MA

Rev. Richard Edens
Congregational Church of Weston

Dr. Richard Horsley
Distinguished Professor of Study of Religion (emeritus)
University of Massachusetts Boston

Richard Keleher
Environmental Leadership Team Member
First Parish in Concord

Dr. Richard Segool
Chairman, Social Action Committee
SinaiI Temple

Rev. Rob Mark
Church of the Covenant

Dr. Robert Jonas
Executive Director
The Empty Bell sanctuary

Robert Kvaal
co-chair, Climate Action Team
First Parish Church, Lexington

The Reverend Robert L. Sherwood
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church-On-The-Canal, Buzzard’s Bay, MA

Rev. Dr. Robert Loesch
Foster Memorial Church

Most Reverend Robert McManus
Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester
Roman Catholic Church

Rev. Dr. Rodney Petersen
Executive Director
Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries

Roger Mombourquette
Environmental Stewardship Ministry
Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester

Rt. Rev. Roy Cederholm
Retired Bishop Suffragan
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Rev. Ruth Harvey
Retired Pastor

Rabbi Samuel Barth
Israel Seder Project, Atid Consulting

Samuel Smith
First Congregational Church, Williamstown, MA

Sandra Clarke
Youth Group and Green team member
Plymouth Church

Rev. Dr. Sarah Butter
Senior Pastor
Wellesley Village (Congregational) Church

Rev. Sarah Hubbell
clergy, retired
Memorial Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

Rev. Sean Leonard
St. Dunstan’s

Sharon Wright

Sharyn Jordan
Board Member
Bethany House of Prayer

Rev. Shelly Davis
East Congregational Church of Milton

Shirlee Fassell
Green team member
First Church of Christ Longmeadow

Dr. Shirley Blancke
Trinity Episcopal Church, Concord

Rev. Dr. Stephanie May
First Parish in Wayland

Rev. Stephen Josoma
St. Susanna Church

Stephen Philbrick
West Cummington Congregational Church

Stewart Creelman
Green Team Member
First Church of Christ Longmeadow

Sue Swanson
Green Team Co-Chair
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Rabbi Susan Abramson
Temple Shalom Emeth

Susan Almono
Iglesia Episcopal de Gracia

Rev. Susan Grant Rosen
Interim pastor
United Church of Winchester, NH

Susan Kennedy
First Church of Christ in Longmeadow, UCC

Rabbi Susan Marks
New College of Florida

Susan Moore
Earth Stewardship Chair

Susan Nye
Co-chair, Middle East Education Group
First Parish in Cambridge

Susan Redlich
Earth Stewardship Team Member
First Church in Cambridge

Rev. Susan Richmond
Colleague and Board Member
Bethany House of Prayer

Susie Davidson
Coordinator, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, Boston chapter
Member, Jewish Alliance For Law and Social Action (JALSA) Environment and Climate Justice Team

Suzanne Arpante
Assistant Treasurer
The Congregational Church of Westborough

Tammy Mulligan

Ted Wade
Environmental Ministries
Mass Conference of the United Church of Christ (MACUCC)

Teresa Coda
Director of Faith Formation
Our Lady of Sorrows Church

Rev. Terry Sweetser
Senior Minister
Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills

Thomas Danforth
Green Team
Trinity Northborough

Thomas Hamel
Grace Church Medford

Rev. Thomas Ryan
Director, Paulist Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations
Paulist Fathers

Thomas Warren
Chair, Social Justice Committee
Congregational Church of Topsfield

Tim Davidson
Past Warden
Trinity Episcopal Church Marshfield

Toby Sackton
Racial Justice Action Group
Follen Community Church

Rabbi Todd Markley
Temple Beth Shalom

Dr. Verne McArthur
Worship Associate
Unitarian Universalist Society of Greater Springfield

Rev. Vernon K. Walker
Outreach Minister
Berachah Church

Rev. Vicki Kemper
First Congregational Church, UCC, in Amherst, Mass.

Rev. Victoria Guest
First Congregational Church in Natick

Vince Maraventano
Executive Director
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light

Vincent Jacques
Director of Volunteer Outreach and Community Engagement
Assumption College

Vincent Maganzini
Grace Episcopal Church

Rev. Virginia Bove
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center

Rev. Virginia Jane Fadden
Green Team co-chair
Plymouth Church in Framingham

Walter Young
Chair Board of Missions,
Peace Dale Congregational Church

Werner Griesshammer
Green Team
Congregational Church of Topsfield

Wil Breden
Environmental Ministry Co-Chair
Wellesley Village Church

Rev. Dr. William Bergmann
Church of the Good Shepherd

Deacon William Bilow

Rev. William Bradbury
All Saints’ Church

Willie Sordillo
Music Director, Jazz Worship at Old South Church of Boston
Edwards Church, United Church of Christ

Rev. Yohah Ralph
Minister of Outreach, Advocacy and Pastoral Care
Haydenville Congregational Church, UCC